Common Hazardous Waste Management Mistakes Businesses Make

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If you are a business that produces hazardous waste, you have a responsibility to ensure you are handling these materials properly. When you fail to do so, this doesn't just reflect your business negatively, but you put the community at risk and you can also face the chance of having harsh penalties imposed on your business. Make sure you know what mistakes to avoid.

Poor Labeling

Don't make the mistake of failing to properly label any containers that have hazardous waste inside them. This is true even when the container is being stored in an area designated for these types of materials. This mistake doesn't just increase the risk of cross-contamination, but all waste categories have different requirements when it comes to the disposal process.

Labels ensure each type of waste is handled appropriately. With all the demands of operating a business, it's sometimes easy to overlook completing this step. To help stay on top of this issue, it's a good idea to task a single individual with this responsibility.

Inaccurate Reporting

In most states, those entities that produce large quantities of waste are generally required to report this information to the local government organization that is responsible for waste management. Depending on the state, this might be a monthly, quarterly, or annual requirement.

Typically, reporting will include stating the specific types of waste that were generated, as well as the quantity and the details for disposal. When you fail to report accurately, you run the risk of facing hefty fines and possibly even having your business shut down. Similar to labeling your waste containers, it's a good idea to assign this responsibility to one employee to ensure it is completed accurately.

Lack Of Employee Training

Employees can only do what they have been instructed to do. There are a number of organizations that have a solid waste management plan in place; however, they haven't taken the time to thoroughly train their employees on how to execute this plan.

Make an effort to organize a training program that is a mirror image of your current waste management plan. It's also important to ensure that this is not a one-time training. In order for training to be effective, it should be implemented regularly as a refresher, such as once a year.

The good news is that hazardous waste management mistakes can be avoided. A waste management firm can review your plan to highlight any mistakes and assist you with correcting them.
