Tips To Keep Your Septic System Flowing And Successfully Processing Waste Water

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If your family's new home uses a septic system, then there are some actions that you can take to increase its health and longevity. By taking good care of the septic system, it will process your home's waste water for decades to come. To this end, follow these tips to keep your septic system flowing and successfully processing waste water:

Tip: Keep Harmful Substances Out of the Septic Tank

Septic tanks rely on bio-digesting bacteria to break down the solids and turn them into liquids that can safely pass out of the tank down the leach lines to the leach field. In order to prevent problems with the bio-digesting bacteria in your home's septic tank, you should never introduce any of these things into the tank:

  • bleach
  • ammonia
  • detergents
  • non-septic safe toilet paper
  • cooking grease and oils
  • water softener brine

In addition, you should not use a garbage disposal with a septic system, because the bio-digesting bacteria cannot dissolve meat and other foods. You should also ask that no tampons or feminine hygiene product wrappers be flushed down the toilets because they will lead to both plumbing and septic system clogs.

Tip: Install a Septic Tank Outlet Filter

If there are many people living in your home or residents with long hair, then you should consider having an outlet filter installed on your septic tank the next time it is serviced. An outlet filter is a simple device that is made out of wire mesh. The mesh filter prevents solid materials and hair from prematurely traveling out of the septic tank and down the leach lines.

An outlet filter is especially important in homes where a lot of loads of laundry are run each week. Laundry water contains a lot of lint and fibers that should not be permitted to pass from the septic tank down the leach lines.

Tip: Pump and Clean Out the Septic Tank Regularly

Finally, to prevent permanent damage to the septic system's leach lines and leach field, you should have the septic tank regularly pumped dry and cleaned out. During the cleaning process, your plumbing contractor will scrub the walls of the septic tank to remove any grease or oils that have built up on its sides. Left unchecked, these contaminants can damage the concrete tank. Once the tank is clean, then the plumber can inspect the tank for damage and make any necessary repairs. Contact a company like River City Septic & Excavating to have this service done.
